Gym up

Gym up

Friday 27 November 2015

Vegetarian Bulk Diet (a simple guide to eat)

Not all of eat meat but some chose to take on being healthy by cutting their meat down or cutting it completely. This is a simple guide that shows what to eat. 

Eat small but frequent meals i would say start 4-8 then work your self up so the body gets use to the meals and by having times during the day when to eat, this can be like 2-4 hours during the day.

Eat protein to your body-weight in grams
at 1 to 1.5 grams of pound of body-weight in grams of protein times it to your body weight so if your at 180 pounds which means you will be eating 180 grams of protein daily by spreading it out on the meals.

carbohydrates for muscle growth
start with 2-3 grams of carbs per pound as it will depend on your weight i would say around 360 to 540 grams daily. Making sure its good carbs with low sugar levels like take organic food are good.

Eat the calories required
It's hard to get the calories in if your a hard gainer cause of the lack meals you are eating during the day but the fact is diets are high in fiber and low in overall calories needed taking away when eating fruits and vegetables. 

I would say take in around 15 to 20 pounds so start low and then adjust ti the program you have either up or down and how fast you are making gains or not by gaining muscle with small amount of fat added on top.

Fat in take would be at 30% when eating as this can come from nuts and omega 5 mainly.


  1. Thanks, This helped alot, really liked how you explained how much a persons intake average is.

  2. nice blog. maybe next time change the background theme?
